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Compare Arena

– Description:

The HotBot Command //arena// shows both your squad and fleet arena characters and ships stats respectively. The HotBot Command //comparearena// compares your squad and fleet arena characters and ships against manually entered ally codes. Your roster’s statistics are listed in the left hand column, and your opponents is listed successively towards the right. The HotBot Command //guildarena// shows all of your guild members squad and fleet arena characters and ships stats respectively.

– Patreon Access:


– Command Syntax:


comparearena <ally code> <ally code> <ally code>


– Command Options:


– Examples:


comparearena 435735795 528781665 244218982 946939645 377961559


– Screenshots:

Arena StatsArena CompareGuild Arena Compare

– Frequently Asked Questions?


– Are there any limitations with this function?


– What are some common issues you might experience trying to use this function?


– What is the command syntax prefix?

On the HotUtil Discord Server it is $; on outside channels it defaults to !, but it can be changed using the default command syntax followed by hotprefix followed by the symbol you want to utilize as your new default command syntax prefix. If performing any function within a DM window with the bot, no command function syntax is required.

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